Students’ Difficulties and Misconceptions in Learning Concepts of Limit, Continuity and Derivative


  • Solomon Areaya Assistant Professor, Department of Teachers
  • Ashebbir Sidelil *Lecturer, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College


Conceptual knowledge, Learning calculus, Limit Concept, Misconception, Procedural knowledge


: This study aimed at examining students’ difficulties and misconceptions
in learning concepts of calculus at preparatory secondary schools of Dire Dawa city.
Accordingly, students’ conception of concepts in calculus, students’
misconceptions, and factors influencing the teaching-learning of concepts were
surveyed. Descriptive survey approach was used as a research method for the
study. Achievement test was the prime instrument used for gathering the necessary
data. One hundred thirty-five students were involved in the study. The study result
indicated gaps between the aspiration of the mathematics syllabi prepared by the
Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education and students’ actual achievement. It also
indicated the presence of misconceptions, on the part of students, regarding the
basic concepts of calculus.



How to Cite

Areaya, S. ., & Sidelil, A. . (2021). Students’ Difficulties and Misconceptions in Learning Concepts of Limit, Continuity and Derivative . The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 32(2), 1–37. Retrieved from