The Impact of COVID-19 on Teaching-Learning Process: The Case of School Adolescents in Kaffa Zone Bonga College of Teacher Education
Impact of COVID-19, Teaching-learning process, Demographic characteristics.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on
Education in the Kaffa zone. 384 participants (male= 222 and female =162) were
randomly selected from 13 woredas of the Kaffa zone. Researchers used a questionnaire
as the main data collection technique and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and twoway ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that the main impacts
of COVID-19 pandemic in the Teaching-Learning process in the Kaffa zone were:
lack of proper use of time for students in studying their subjects; absence of equitable
use of Teaching-Learning process and educational materials; social impacts like the
absence of group work and cooperative learning. The finding also disclose significant
differences in impact of COVID-19 in Teaching-Learning process, due to Woreda (F=
11.592, p=.000<.05), school type (F= 7.415, p=.007<.05) and school location (F=
10.233, p=.000<.05) but there is no significant different based on gender (F=.000,
p=.999>.05), age level (F=.572, p=.565>.05), grade level (F= 2.281, p=.079>.05)
and families occupation: father’s job (F=.308, p=.873>.05) and mother’s job (F=.291,
p=.918>.05). Based on the findings, the study recommend that support and means of
reducing the impact of COVID-19 should be given especially to maximize student’s
proper use of time, to minimize student’s social and psychological impacts; and to
make students use of education and educational materials fair and equitable in
the Kaffa zone. In this respect, the government has to provide easy – to understand
distance teaching and learning materials for the teachers and students, and facilitate
the Teaching-Learning process to be continued in schools with keeping the social
distance and other ways of prevention COVID-19; Teachers has to give a home to
home support and support in schools keeping the social distance and other prevention
cares of COVID-19; Family members have to follow-up the students not to lose their
time of studying during staying at home.