Editorial Team
Editorial Board Members
- Tamirie Andualem (Editor-In-Chief), Associate Professor at School of Psychology, CEBS, AAU, Email- tamirieand@yahoo.com. Tele- 0911405837
- Tilahun Gidey (Associate Editor-In-Chief), Associate Professor at School of Psychology, CEBS, AAU, Email-tilahung2000@yahoo.com Tele-0987716474
- Bethlehem Wubshet (Managing Editor), Lecturer (Home base) at School of Psychology, CEBS, AAU, Email- bethlehemwubshet@gmail.com Tele-0984948512
- Alebachew Kemisso (Member), Associate professor at the Center for Comparative Education and Policy Studies, CEBS, AAU, Email- alebachew.kemisso@aau.edu.et
- Alemayehu T/Mariam (Member),Associate Professor, Department of Special needs and Inclusive Education, CEBS, AAU, Email- alemayehutm@yahoo.com
- Darge Wole (Member), Professor of Psychology at School of Psychology, CEBS, AAU, Email-dargewolem@gmail.com
- Dejene Niguse(Member), Director for Centre of excellence in Teacher Education and Educational Leadership Development, CEBS, AAU, Email-dejenetef@yahoo.com
- Dessu Wirtu (Member), Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, CEBS, AAU, Email-dwirtu@ymail.com
- Emebet Mulugeta, Associate Professor at School of Psychology, CEBS, AAU, Email- m.emebet@gmail.com
- Fikadu Eshetu (Member), Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Mathematics Education, CEBS, AAU, Email-fik4jju@gmail.com
- Kidanemariam Paulos, Associate professor in Ecological Geography, CEBS, AAU, Email-kidanepaulos888@gmail.com
Content Editor
12. Taglo Kassa(PhD), Assistant Professor of Applied Social Psychology, Sophos Africa
Language Editor
13. Dawit Amogne , Associate Professorin English(TEFL), CEBS, AAU, Email- dawitamogne@yahoo.com
EJoBS current International Advisory board members
1. Professor AbebayehuAemiro, Professor of Educational Leadership and Administration, Graduate School of Education & Human Development, George Washington University,Washington, DC, Email-silassie@gwu.edu
2. Professor Ricardo Sabates, Professor in Education and International Development, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge UK), Email-rs867@cam.ac.uk
3. Professor Ruth Otunga.Professor of Education (Curriculum Studies) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Students’ Affairs), University of Eldoret. Kenya, E-mail: rotunga@uoeld.ac.ke
4. Professor Margaret E. Adamek,Professor, Indiana University School of Social Work. Email- madamek@iupui.edu
5. Professor Sreevalsa Kumar, Consultant Psychologist & Professor, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Email-vals8975@yahoo.co.in
6. Dr. Waganesh A. Zeleke ,Associate Professor of Mental Health Counseling, Virginia Commonwealth University, College of Health Profession, Dept. of Rehabilitation Counseling, Email-zelekew@vcu.edu
7.Professor YematawWondie, Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences and the Humanities University of Gondar, Ethiopia, Email-yematawonde@gmail.com