Organization and Management of Inclusive Education Resource Centers in Gamo Zone Primary Schools


  • Sewalem Tsega School of Psychology, College of Education & Behavioral Sciences, Addis Ababa University
  • Solomon Sapo Department of Pedagogical Sciences, School of Pedagogical & Behavioral Sciences
  • Wudnesh Aschenaki Department of Special Needs & Inclusive Education, School of Pedagogical & Behavioral Sciences, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia


inclusive education resource centers, management, organization, resource center, core team


Inclusive education resource centers are pedagogical centers equipped with specific materials and support devices and staffed with professionals to support LSENs teachers, and satellite schools. This study aims at exploring the current status of the organization and management of inclusive education resource centers in Gamo zone primary schools in Southern Ethiopia. A convergent parallel mixed design was used to blend both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Primary data were obtained from 136 systematically selected sample units that comprised 95(36.5%) teachers and 41(69.5%) resource center core team members. A self-developed questionnaire, non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis were used as data-gathering tools. Quantitative data were analyzed using mean, SD, independent sample t-test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient(r), whereas qualitative data were analyzed through the narrative description. Based on the results, inclusive education resource centers are not well organized with necessary materials and professionals, perhaps due to the absence of professionals and the inadequacy of special equipment and support devices. In contrast, the resource center core team weakly managed their implementation, more likely due to a lack of special skills. Most probably due to resource center-related training received, there are some significant view variations between the respondent groups for management and organization of inclusive education resource centers. It can also be concluded that when the resource center core team increases their involvement by at least an average, the centers tend to be well organized since the two variables have moderate and significant positive correlations with each other. The resource center core team, therefore, should better design educational projects and work in collaboration with school stakeholders as well as NGOs to lobby for additional funds. They should also provide awareness raising and special skill training for school teachers regarding inclusion and inclusive education resource centers. Above all, district education offices should work closely with resource center schools and allocate budget mainly for recruiting professionals and purchasing special equipment for the centers.



How to Cite

Tsega, S. ., Sapo, S. ., & Aschenaki, W. . (2023). Organization and Management of Inclusive Education Resource Centers in Gamo Zone Primary Schools . The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 43(2), 101–142. Retrieved from