The Predominance of Different Sources of Stress Among Teachers in Government Senior High Schools of Addis Ababa


  • Darge Wole Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Addis Ababa University


Prompted by increased concern about teacher dissatisfaction
and turnover, the researcher conducted a study to establish the levels of
stress experienced by teachers in government high schools using data from
144 respondents in four centrally and peripherally located schools of Addis
Ababa. The study focused on seven plausible sources of stress: Salary
and Opportunities, Student Characteristics, Performance Evaluation, Time
Pressure, Resources, Regulations and Relations. Differences in level of
stress between groups (e.g. males and females) were also explored. The
results identified problems related to Salary and Opportunities, Student
Characteristics and Evaluation to be equally important origins of teacher
stress. In addition, degree holders, experienced, and pedagogically trained
male teachers appeared to be subject to greater stress than their female
counterparts. The results suggested that, although salaries and benefits
remained to be critical areas of teacher discontent and should receive due
attention, it was useful to simultaneously deal with other sources of stress of
equal or secondary importance.

