Experience and the Growth of Understanding: A Book Review


  • Mulugeta Yayeh Asst. Prof., College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Bahir Dar University.


The book Experience and the Growth of Understanding was written by David W. Hamlyn (1924-2012), who was a professor of philosophy at the University of London at Birkbeck. Organized under 11 chapters, the book presents a critical examination of diverse issues pertinent to experience, understanding, learning, and knowledge. A close look at the124 pages of the book reveals that the author’s work could be put under two general themes. The first general theme, which is discussed in chapters one to four, was concerned with an assessment and critics of the author concerning the major epistemological views. Here he tried to thoroughly investigate great works of scholars with regard to the source of knowledge. In the second general theme, which is presented in the remaining chapters of the book, Hamlyn proposed his own views and suggestions on major issues of experience, and its relationships with understanding, knowledge, and learning. With an intention to ameliorate the “ego-centric view” of both traditional and modern theories of knowledge, Hamlyn explicates his own positions on diverse issues of knowledge and understanding.



How to Cite

Yayeh, M. . (2024). Experience and the Growth of Understanding: A Book Review. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 37(2), 141–148. Retrieved from http://ejol.aau.edu.et/index.php/EJE/article/view/142