Quality of Caregiver- Child Interaction in Early Childhood Care and Education Centers
care giver; quality of interaction; child care; education centersAbstract
A twenty-six item standardized instrument adapted to local context was used to collect data on the quality of care giver-child interaction in Early Child Care and Education center-based setting. A total of twenty centers representing private, government and community-based types were observed and both quantitative and qualitative data collected. In about sixty-five percent of the classrooms observed, the quality of care giver interaction with children was below the overall mean value (Mean=2.50). The analysis also showed that care givers‟ score was found to be high in the punitive subscale and low in the positive interaction scale. At the spot qualitative data captured using open ended items also showed that care givers tended to be detached and permissive in their interaction with preschool children. Yet, there were quite a number of care givers‟ behaviors that promoted the cognitive, social and emotional development of preschool children. Quality of care giver child interaction varied as a function of time of observation, context and care giver‟s profile. Implications for improving quality care giver child interactions and suggestions for future research are forwarded in light of the findings.