Effects of Students ' Academic Competence, Self.Oetermination, and Motivation On School Performance In Tana Haiq Sec. School
Self.Oetermination, and MotivationAbstract
The · major concern of this study was to examine how far
academic competence, self·detennination and motivation predicted
students' school performance. A total of 271 subjects, (128 males and 143
females) were involved in the study. A questionnaire was used to gather
data about academic competence, self·detennination and motivation of
students. Students' perfonnance records in English, Math, GeograpllY and
Bio/ogy were used to collect the data. Multiple regression, correlation and ttest
were used for analyses. Results obtained through multiple regression
and beta weights displayed that both academic motivation and competence
had statistically significant direct effects on perfonnance (13=0.244 and
13=0.159 respectively). Academic self-determination Ilad strong direct effect
on motivation (p=0. 384) but it had negative effect on perfom18nce ((3=-
0.129). Corre/ational analyses portrayed that except self-detem1inatiol1, both
academic competence and motivation indicated significant association will1
performance. The t-test revealed that !flere existed significant average
performance difference in favor of males (t =-2.194 a::= 0.03, df = 269). The
major differences were observed in Math and' Biology. Boys petfom1ed
better than girls in Math and Biology but there was no statistical difference
observed in English and Geography. Finally, it was concluded that selfdetennined
students and students who lacked academic competence and
motivation would score fow in schoof performance.