Assessment of Pupils' Achievements in the Teaching of English: Training and Practice in Focus


  • Demisse Teshome


Training and Practice in Focus


This study explores the issue of language testing and evaluation at
the primary school level. The literature on language testing and evaluatIOn, the
syllabus and the textbooks for the training of primary school teachers have
been consulted and studied, and a survey of the testmg situation 10 the schools
has been carried out for this purpose. From the literature, a comprehensive
form of evaluation composed of formal and informal assessments by teachers,
parents and the pupils themselves has transpired as a relatively appropriate
and accurate means of judging the progress and SUCCBSS of pupils'
achievement in learning English. The idea of monthly tests and the student
record chart in the syllabus and the textbooks of fhe teacher training
Institutions, as a limited indication of the use of progress tests and con/muous
assessment, has been found encouraging in terms of the quality of assessment
at this level. The survey shows that primary school teachers practice
continuous assessment, and share Bxperiences and views with colleagues III
preparing tests and examinations, and interpreting scores. HoweoJer, It has
emerged that although most of the teachers are certified for the job, they were
not given training in the assessment of learning achievements. Thus, while the
results of the survey point to the need for short term refresher courses for
primary school teachers, the limited evidence in ·the syllabus and textbooks
examined suggests that the acorn of the quality of assessment has been sown
But it is noted that a great deaf more is required to nurture it.



How to Cite

Teshome, . D. (2024). Assessment of Pupils’ Achievements in the Teaching of English: Training and Practice in Focus. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 21(1), 25–48. Retrieved from