Child Rights Advocacy in Some Schools of Addis Ababa: Could it help In Reducing the Incidence of Corporal Punishment?·
Child Rights Advocacy in Some Schools of Addis AbabaAbstract
Corporal punishment has been used as a means to mocilfy
undesirable student behavior in Ethiopian schools for many years Although
several national regulations and international conventions prohibit the lise of
corporal punishment, it continues to occur in urban as well as rural schools
The present study investigated whether child riglJts advocacy in SCllools had
any effect in reducing the prevalence of corporal punishment and 117
changing aNitudes of the school community. Ten principals, 28 teachers.
and 168 students, who were selected from 10 elementary and Junior
secondary schools in Addis Ababa, participated in the study The results
showed a reduction in the magnitude of physical punishment, and indicated
a desirable change in attitudes toward corporal punishment as a result of
the child rights advocacy. The findings further revealed some problems that
hindered child rights promotion in the schools. These problems and the
implications for further intervention are discussed.