Relationship among Autonomy, Quitting Intentions, Job Burnout and Performance of High School Teachers


  • Dimtsu Abraha Adigrat University; PhD fellow, Bahir Dar University
  • Amare Sahle Bahir Dar University


This research investigated the structural relationship of emotion related variables of teachers’ performance, burnout, autonomy and quitting intentions, under the title of Roles of Autonomy and Quitting Intentions on Effect of Burnout on High school teachers Performance. It intended to develop a comprehensive understanding model. A random sample 361 out of 1945 target population determined by single population proportion formula with 95% CI was taken from 10 weredas of Central Zone in Tigray; that is, all the 23 schools. Responses were quantitatively analyzed based on the statistical assumptions. EFA (explorative factors analysis) identified four components in six constructs that explained 60.4% of the total variance taking Eigen values > 1 cutoff point and tolerable communality, KMO and anti-image correlations. In SEM, both measurement and structural modeling fit indices > .90; and ≤ .051 for RMSEA were used to assess fitness predictability and testability of parameters and model respectively. Results of SEM indicated that burnout and quitting intention negatively predicts teaching performance. It’s also indicated that these variables have indirect effect on performance and mediate the effect of burnout. Autonomy and quitting intention perfectly mediated the relationship between burnout and performance. Burnout badly initiates quitting intentions. It is concluded that work related emotions highly impact teachers’ performance appraisal. Therefore it is recommended that the education sector should review secondary schools’ performance appraisal system in terms of content, process and procedure of teaching performance appraisal. Besides, training must be given to evaluators on how to avoid errors and some biases in their evaluation.



How to Cite

Abraha, D. ., & Sahle, A. . (2023). Relationship among Autonomy, Quitting Intentions, Job Burnout and Performance of High School Teachers. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 43(2), 1–35. Retrieved from