Adaptation of the Self-Report Family Inventory-II to the Ethiopian Context
: Self-Report Family Inventory, Family Competence, Exploratory Factor AnalysisAbstract
The objective of this paper was to adapt the Beaver’s Self-Report Family Inventory
Version II. The instrument has five sub-scales with a total number of 36 items: Health/
Competence, Conflict, Cohesion, Leadership, and Expressiveness. The instrument
was administered to 225 adolescents in Addis Ababa (122 females and 103 males)
aged13-18 years, with mean age of 15.72 and standard deviation of 1.17. A written
informed consent was obtained from the participants prior to the study. Correlation
analysis was employed to determine the components of family competence scale and
descriptive statistics was used to summarize the mean and standard deviations of
items. Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted to explore the dimensions of the
five factor solutions. The item iterations resulted in four factor solutions: Leadership,
Health/Competence, Cohesion, and Conflict. The factor analysis resulted in a four
factor solution contributing to 51% of the variance explained. The reliability analysis
showed high internal consistency (α=0.90) for the scale, very high internal consistency
(α=.95) for Leadership sub-scale, α=.88 for Conflict sub-scale, α=.87 for Cohesion subscale, and α=.78 for Competence sub-scale. All the refined items have an average factor
loading of over 0.70, showing the items are distinctively loaded on each of the factors
and suggesting high convergent validity. Inter-scale correlation ranges from r = -0.2 to
.47 and was not statistically significant implying that the items are not convergent or
the items distinctively measure their own respective construct.
Copyright (c) 2020 Belay Azmeraw, Tefera Belay

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