Towards Reforming Ethiopian Education: A Few Remarks


  • Wole Darge


Towards Reforming Ethiopian Education


Studies, it is a privilege for me to make a few statements concerning the current state of
Ethiopian education, particularly in relation to teacher education and development. My
basic premise is that educational progress in the country can be enhanced through greater
consensus, better governance and improved professionalism and social ethics.
In education, as in other sectors, consensus founded on rational and open debate is
critical since it, more often than not, results in common ownership and commitment in
joint endeavors. In some cases, however, the record in our education sector does not look
good in this regard. For instance, it is hard to say that the previous decision pertaining to
the integrated versus the add-on approach in the training of secondary school teachers
was based on adequate consensus. To mention another instance which borders on the
political, in spite of the importance of a national teachers‟ association in strengthening
teacher professional commitment and well-being, apparently, so far, conditions have not
been created so that all teachers whole-heartedly subscribe to one and the same
association and engage more actively in the pursuit of excellence in educational
Related to the observation I just made is the apparent lack of an adequate mechanism to
promote the productive involvement of intellectuals in the Diaspora so that they can
contribute more to our educational endeavors in an organized manner. In this respect, I
feel that proactive measures involving wider political space and a consensual strategy can
produce some useful results. Improvement of the working conditions of educators, both
local and Diaspora-based, will help to encourage and maintain the motivation for a more
concerted effort to tackle the educational challenges we are facing today. Lessons from
countries like India and China concerning ways of attracting their Diaspora intellectuals
can be adapted discreetly to promote the cause.

