In cmtl'nna .rymheJu an apprOXimate analytlcol model is chosen fa represenl, ellher e"f.:wlll' 01 appronmotdy, the desired radwtlon pa/urn and then Ihe modd IS realized hvan antenna modt/ Tnll p"ocess Is most convemently achieved by anll!nn<.J arrays. FOI' antenna arroy con,fis/mg n/,denlu:oi elements, the /llaJOT facIOrs lilal d",enwnl! It'
r(l(hall()tl c/uJracteTl:;/u:s are In.. mlt!/"-elemenl spacmg, (he elements ' eXCitation amp/Illld.,s (1/1(' ph(ues CommOtlly. antenna arra~ ,rynlhcms i~ carned by makmg Ihl' mtu-dllment fpanng constant and only WJrymg ell/ll'r Ihl" etc/hl/lo·n (lffIp/ltude and! or phoprn thiS paper, anflmna lynthes15 IS ar:hiewd bl' W.lrylllg a,l l the urray parameters- Infer-,e iemel!' lpaCIIIJ?, e:U:lfa/ron. amp/rwdel an"/ etClt,lIl'"
phas€$ The results show tnol the method is mar" efficlell' In syntheSIS acc/lracy and mIMlmJl:atlan of sidelabes. Also 'he method needs jewer nJ./mber of array elements to synthulZI'- on anay exh,bi/mg fht'
lame (or bel/er) .level of dlrec/ll'lty and sldt'lf)be Il'vel 1M compariS'!Jn wah uniform arrvyl R~d.'cI1{" In number of array element! has a poJI/IW!
consequence rn manufactll.Ting cost eBectlVi! arrav.'