Determinants of Teachers' Decision to Leave or Stay in the Teaching Profession


  • Manna Olango Assist. Professor, Dilla University
  • Tesfaye Semela Lecturer, Dilla University College


This paper aims at investigating the determinants of
teachers' career plan based on 204 observations (160 males and
44 females) randomly selected from 12 primary and 6 secondary
schools in Verga Chefe and Wenago weredas of Gedeo Zone.
Data were collected through a questionnaire and Logistic
Regression Model was fitted to identify the significant predictor
variables of career decision. The results revealed that teachers'
career commitment, perceived social status, supervision and
professional support, initial preference for teaching, and gender
were found to be the major predictors of teachers' career
decision. Nevertheless, the new salary scale, administrative
effectiveness, work environment, and residence were not found
to be significant predictors. Implications for teacher education
and educational management are discussed and suggestions
are forwarded.

