Road Transport in Ethiopia: An Analysis of Public Bus Trip Flows


  • Mekete Belachew


Tbe study aims at illvestigating tbe applicability of tbe Nystuell·Dacey graph theory 1Ilodel in identifying tbe hierarchical and dominant spatial structures of bus trip flows il1 Etbiopia and the variables tbat explain tbe spatial bebaviour o/s1lcb strllctures. Tbe results indicate the model is not applicable to tbe big bus trip flows owing to tbe nature of the data. Ilowever, it is suitable, to some extent, ill identifying the hierarchical and dominant spatial stJ'Uctures of medium bus trip flows. Tbe spatial bebaviour of sllch structures was explail1ed satisfactorily by total populatioll, urban populatioll alld length olali weather road

