Examining the Livelihood and Coping Mechanisms of RuralUrbnn Young Migrants: T he Case of Bu rayu Town


  • Zerihlln hailu
  • Fekadu Adugna


This article examples the livelihood of rural-urban young their migrants and their

Coping mechanisms in bureau Town was selected for the study due to the high

concentration of young rural urban migrants among the recently emerging towns of Ethiopia qualitative exploratory approach was used for the study in _death interlineal  focus group discussion and participatory observations were the major tools of data collection the study shows that poverty and destitution family related problems and social network are the challengers the migrants face in the town environment in terms of erningincome inning daily bread and housing to cope up with the situation the young migrants are involved in various formal and informal activities that ranged form daily labor to prostitution to diversity theiy source of livelihood and survive in the fawn



How to Cite

hailu, Z., & Adugna, F. (2022). Examining the Livelihood and Coping Mechanisms of RuralUrbnn Young Migrants: T he Case of Bu rayu Town. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 35(1), 83–103. Retrieved from https://ejol.aau.edu.et/index.php/EJDR/article/view/3696