Urban-ward Migration and Livelihood Situations: The Case of Dukem Town, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia


  • Terefe Oegefa
  • Bikile Zelalem


Urban-ward migration, livelihoods, livelihood changes, housing conditions, working conditi ons, urban in-migrants


The main objective of this arricle is to examine the extelll to which urban-v.,vrd
migration has improved the livelihood situations of in-migrant popularion in
Dukem Town. On the basis 0/ primary cross-sectional data/in/ormation generaled
throllgh mixed-methods of data collection and analysis. the article indicates lhat
the livelihood situation of migrant households is mixed influenced by social
lIetwnrks, education, experience:,' and bcing urban origin making impruvemem in
livelihoods Cantexl specific. These results therefore challenge theories and
assumptions that qualify urban-ward migration as a means of improving
livelihoods. The expansion 0/ socio-economic injra.l'tl'lIcfllresl!iervices and
in vestments in labour absorbing enterprises both in rural and urban areas are
crucial development trajectories in reducing the magnitude of urban-ward
migration and improve the livelihoods ofllrban in-migroms.

