Farming and Cooking the Value of Home Activities in the Grain-Piough Culture of Ethiopia


  • Taye Mcngistae


771s paper proposes a procedure for the va/u(J(ioll of village
resources to shoy. that the suppression of home activities ill nlra/ social
accounting ill £lhopia may easily lead to incorrect decisiolls in the selection
of mral developl7l{1l( projects or other fonlls of agran'all policy illten1elllioll.
This is apart fro171 Ihe adverse implicatioll of the same accolllltillg cOl/velllioll
10 the reliability o/rllacro-economic figures as cll"elltly reported ill the COlllltry.
771e paper's result' are all based all Ihe estimation of the 1988/89 crop year
il/pill-o// tput matn of a fanning village of the graill -plol/gh culture.

