Continuing Professional Education in Ethiopia: The Casil Study of Four Professions


  • Yalew Ingidayehu


Tilis stlldy bases its disCllssion on tile assllmption tilatprofessionals · today face challenges related to inadeqllate and IInsatisfa ctory professional training to render IIpelo-dale and compelenl services in Iheir field. Tilis silldy SilOlOS Ihal a major factor Ihal contriblltes to Ihis problem is lile limiled access 10 and participation in formal and non-formal conlinlling professional edllcation (ePE) programs. In view of the dynamic na/lire of professions, a continuous process of profess ion a liz ali on lilrollgil ePE is becoming mandalory. Tile
  silldy evaillaies some possible cOllrses of aclion lila I cOllld be laken 10 improve Ihe provision and coordinalion of CPE

