The Contribution of Urban Agriculture to Food Security of Individual Urban Farmers in Yeka Sub City, Addis Ababa


  • Firehiwot Mezgabu
  • Degefa Tolossa


Urban agriculture, food security, individual urban farmers, Yeka Sub-City, Addis Ababa


The study aimed to assess the contribution of urban agriculture to food

security of households in lVoredas [Districts} 1, 2 and J of Jeka SubCity,

Addis Ababa. The research covered the entire population (86) as the size

was manageable. The primary data were collected mainly through household

surve~focus group discussion (FGD), and key informant interview. Descriptive

statistic~ .frequenc~ and the Pearson correlation co4Jicient were used

for the analysis of quantitative data. Data .from key informants and focus

group discussion were transcribed, thematically c!ass!fied, analysed and

interoperated. The research followed purposive sampling technique in order

to select the study area. As it contains the largest number of individual formers

practising urban agriculture compared to the other Sub-Cities. lVorid Food

Programme Food Consumption Score Analytical Tool was employed to measure

the food security status of a given household Findings showed that 74. 4% if the

households studied were food-secure while 24.4% and 1.2% of the households

were mildly and severely food insecure, respectively. It was also revealed that

there is sign!ficant relationship betweenfood security status and income. Urban

agriculture contributes to one-third if the total income if the household On

top of urban agricultur~ urban formers in Jeka Sub-City of Addis Ababa earn

their income .from informal livelihood activities. Urban agriculture proved to

playa sign!ficant role in improving the households '.food security and income. It has provided employment, cheap food and nutrition. Lack if farmland and

water were the main challenges of urban formers. Institutional support makes a

dilforence in improving urban formers productivity and thereby their food security

status. Agricultural inputs like land and water are serious challenges of the

urban formers. Henc~ in consultation with urban formers, relevant government

ojjices and non-governmental organisations that are active in the area have to

work in better integration and attempt to address the challenge if urban formers.

Unused and wasted plots of land should be identified and be proVided to the

urbanformers. Training has to be given based on needs. These minimise waste if

resources and help utilise the scarce resources for the improvement of the sector

and to the ben¢t if the urban formers.

