Land Use/Cover Dynamics in Ribb River Watershed, North Western Ethiopia


  • Nurelegn Mekuriaw
  • Amare Sewnet Minale


Ribb River, watershed, land use/cover, Land Cover Change, GIS and remote sensing


Land use/cover change dynamics influences many aspects of the natural
environment. Its shifting patterns as a component of many existing climate change
problems has been gaining recognition as key cause and consequences of
environmental problems and livelihood change. The Ribb River Watershed has been
subjected to prolonged use for agriculture without conserving the natural resources.
Forest degradation, biodiversity and habitat loss and soil degradation are the
common problems in the area. Therefore, determining the land use and cover
dynamics in the Ribb River Watershed was important to make decisions on resource
conservation and executing sustainable development activities in the watershed
areas. The main objectives of the study were to determine the land cover/use status
of Ribb River Watershed in the years 1973, 1987, 1995, and 2011 by using landsat
images and socio-economic data from the study area. The overall results of the
analysis have shown that between the last 38 years in the Ribb River Watershed,
about 57.4 % offorest, 52.3 % of bush lands 63.5 % of areas of water bodies were
converted to cultivated and settlement lands, grazing lands and wetlands. The
cultivated and settlement lands, grazing lands and wetlands increased in area by
36.2%, 50.9% and 66.3% respectively. Population pressure and land tenure policy
were identified as the main causes for changes in land use/cover. The results of this
study were significant indicators for planners and other stakeholders in the
watershed to take measures that can help to bring long term solutions for resource
conservation and bringing sustainable development and livelihood attaining
mechanisms in the watershed.



How to Cite

Mekuriaw, N. ., & Sewnet Minale, A. . (2022). Land Use/Cover Dynamics in Ribb River Watershed, North Western Ethiopia . Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 36(1), 34–54. Retrieved from