Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Standard Precipitation Index Parameters to Monitor Drought at National Scale: The Case of Ethiopia


  • Getachew Berhan
  • Tsegaye Tadesse
  • Solomon Atnafu
  • Shawndra Hill
  • yitaktu Tesfatsion


drought monitoring, NOVI, satellite image, SPI


The main objective of this research was to characterize alld idemify drought incidence using both historic rainfall (RF) data and satellite-images. From the analysis o/the relationships between average !2 months RF and NDVl, there were high If values for rainy momhs. For the remaining dry months of the year, there were low relationships (with If values of less th<m 0.5). We concluded that it is possible to lise the near real-time MSG Qlld historical NOAA AVHRR NDVI and Dev_NDV! data with some calibration and validation to identify and predict
drought incidences. The outputs of this research can help decision makers to take
approprime actions to mitigate the adverse effects of drought. 

