The Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerability to HIV/AlDS in Ethiopia


  • Hailom Banteyerga
  • Emelia Timpo


climate change, vulnerability, displacement, resettlement, cross generational sex


The study is based on primary data collected from four studies connected to
climate change and vulnerability to fflVlAlDS and interviews with infonnants
working on programs dealing with the consequences of climate change. 17le
studies were conducted from 2004 to 2009. The findings show that climate change
is one of the major callses for displacement, mobility, migration and as a
consequence vlllnerability to HIVIAIDS. Ethiopia is one of the cOllntries!requently
exposed to drought and shortage of food. In the event of HIVIAIDS, its efforts 10
prevem and control HIVIAIDS are very milch undermined by climate change.
Climate change caused displacement and camp life as well as resettlement of
people to ensure food securit),. Harmful gender related practices are also making
the prevention of HIVIAIDS difficult. The study is one of the mlliticounty studies all
climate change and vulnerability to HIVIAlDSfullded by UNA/DS, New York. It
aims at reminding Ethiopia and other countries vulnerable to climate change to
include HIVIAIDS in their National Adaptatioll and Program Action (NAPA). The
study recommends thai some of the good practices learnt from the Dire Dawa
management of the flood victillLS of 2006 and key activities in HIV/AIDS
prevention, care and support and treatment services should be included in NAPA

