Climate Change in the Southern Lowlands of Ethiopia: Local Level Evidences, Impacts and Adaptation Responses


  • Alebachew Adem
  • Aklilu Amsalu


climate change, vul nerability, adaptation, impacts, lowlands, Ethiopia


Despite the vulnerability of Ethiopia to the impacts of global climate chaNge and
weather extremes, and the recognition of this by the Ethiopian government,
research-generated knowledge on regional and local impacts of climate change,
locally available adaplalion and mitigation measures and other community
responses are seriously inadequate. In the absence of such empirical researchgenerated
knowledge. however, al(empls to improve the quality of poor households
and bring about development through at/aining food self-sufficiency would be
unrealistic especially in the hazard-prone areas of the country. This article tries to
identify major climate change induced-hazards, impacts and local level respONses
in Ihe southern lowlands of Ethiopia and provide inpuls for "climate proof"
developmenr imerventiONS and policy fonmdatioll.

