Patterns of Crop Association in the Peasant Sector of Ethiopia


  • Zemenfes Tsighe


Twenty-nine crops reported in 78 Awrajas were subjected to principal component analysis in order ;to explore the underlying crop stntcture in the peasant seclOr. Ten components with eigenvalues 2..1 were extracted. These components, which represent ten crop elusters, accounted for 69% of the variance of the original data matrix. Allhough the method produced distinct crop clusters, it did not totally overcome the mapping problems faced in crop combination studies as certain Awrajas scored high on more than one campanellI. Mappillg the component scores, however, revealed that the crop clusters identified have highest concentration in the areas where their respective rainfall and temperature requirements are adequately met. But compatison with similar stlldies showed that the crop clusters identified here differ markedly from crop clusters identified by thosesll/dies.

