Effects of Early Psychosocial Intervention on the Development of Children in a Selected Community in Addis Ababa


  • Lakew Woldelekle


Several intervention methods hm'c been devised over theyears that were found to be promising ill helping child caregivers to adequately interact with children who are under their cilstody. Glle such method is (he "More Intelligent SCJlSiliI'c Child"( MISe) techniqlle, which
was tried Ollt 011 all c.xpelimclIlul group of mothers and childrell randomly selected jrom purposiliely idelllified community ill Addis Ababa. A conlrol group was raJldo/JI~}1 selected frolll another community  which Iva.similar to (he Olle chosen for rhe e..erimclltal group.
The sllIdy wus conducted Il~;il/g a comprehensive questionllaire Videorecordings Ivere also made bOlh before lind during the illferuclioll peliod. 77w results of lhe sllldy in the e..\perimelllal gruup indica/ed that there were sigllijicalll changes (several mediated aClivilies) ill fhe lJIotherchild imeractiolls. From Ihe [in dings it was also nUled that oUf of lhe five
mediatiollal teaming e\periences (AiLE). Ilu: imprvvemclIIs made particu/arly with res/h cI to mediatioll IV lrans(clldcll ce (ll/d feeling of competence were gellera/- low In the case of the cOl/trol  there was all enwic and negligible difference bellveen thc pre - alld pO.H - (lssesmc: O/ltcomes,

