The Social Consequences of Urbanization: The Addis Ababa Experience


  • Andargatchew Tesfaye


Urballization, ill Ethiopia began gradual/y alld evell today the majority of Ethiopians live ill nlral areas. However; since the 19505 the rate of urbanization began to accelerate rapidly that the growth rate of cities such as like Addis Ababa became ovenvhebnillg ill terms of the
attempts to provide the milJimum social alld economic needs of citizens. By the elld of 1991 due to a large illflux of lVar displaced people it is believed that Addis has more thall tlVO mil/ioll people, f rom ollly 100,000 the l7Iid-1930s. 77ze social consequences of sllch a rapid urbanization have reached all alanllillg stage. 17le crowded situation in the city has led to great shortages 1I0[ Dilly ill lenns of employme/lt but also adequate hOllsillg with proper
facilities alld other social amenities. The coping mechanisms adopted by the people 10 meet their daily requirements has led to a cOllgested, ullsanitary and ilisecure existence. Thus, the social, health, moral alld security status ill the city call1lot be expected to be aJlything bul appalling. The discussion of these problems is the major theme of this paper

