The Impact of Locusts on Rural Production: The Case of Northern Shewa, 1928-1962


  • Fantahun Ayele


locusts, crop damage, peasants, food security. agriculture


For a long time, one of the pressing problems of Ethiopia 1uJ.s been food slwrtage,
Altlwugh food slwrtage was caused by several factors. locusts had in one way or
another played their own part in depriving the Ethiopian peasants of their subsistence
and reducing them to starvation. 171 the past. f1UJIJy parts of Ethiopia in cluding
Nort hern Shewa had frequently been visited by swanns of locusts which resulted in
enonnous crop damages. Leaving aside the devastation of pasture lands and f orests.
the amount of crops devoured by locusts is incalculable. 171 th is study. I extensively
consulted pertin ent archives of the then Ministry of InJerior. In addition, attempts have
been made to gather qualitative data through interviews and consulting published and
UIIpublished sources. It 1uJ.s been found out that between 1928 and 1962. Northern
Shewa had s uffered from disastrous locust plagues which brought about serious food
slwrtage in the region. The study slwws Ihm in ti17U!S of widespread IoCUSI plague,
peasanls we re totally defenseless. The Ethiopian government was not able 10 help
peasants infighting locusts. Nor was il possible to distribute food grain to peasants
Woo lost their crops by locusts. Peasants were therefore forced to employ traditional
methods of combaJing locusts. LaJer 071, the government managed 10 get technical
assistance f rom Britain and the United States for its campaign against locusts.

