Spatial Aspects of Urbanization in Ethiopia (With Emphasis on the Primate Pattern of Urban Development)


  • Mekele Belacbew


The history of urbanization in Ethippia goes back to the pre~twelilieth cenlUry.
In the twentieth century the rate of urbanization was relatively accelerated
largely due to the influence of the modem transport system and the Ila/jall
Occupation. Small towns dominate the urban scene in Ethiopia. Some
noticeable progress has been made towards evening out rhe spatial disln'butiofJ
of the illlermediate towns. Addis Allaha is still the uncontested primate city
alld an increasing primacy has been noted over time. Considerable regional
variations in urban primacy have also been discovered. The distribution of the
Ethiopian tOWIIS differed significantly from the rank·size distribution of lOWfIS.
Neverlheless, i" the not too·distant future the gap between the distributioll of
the Ethiopjan towns aJld the roltk·size distribution of towns is likely to no"ow

