Determinants of Family Planning Behaviour among Married Women in the Amhara Regional State: A Social-Psychological Approach


  • Reda Darge


Prompted by increased concern about population growth the present study
examined the role of psychological variables namely physiological needs, security
needs, belongingness needs, and openness to change as mediators of the eJJects of
educational level, place of residence. and income level (all of which are socio
economic variables) on family planning practice. Data pertaining to these
variables were ohtained from 229 randomly selected married women in the
Amhara region (in the north - west part of Ethiopia). Socio economic indices,
family planning practice, and psychological characteristics, were measured using
a questionnaire. Analyses involving, mainly multiple regression and partial
correlation analyses revealed that the socia-economic variables do not
independently contribute to variation in family planning practice. However, the
variables appear to have an effect on family planning practice indirectly via their
significant relations with the psychological variables. The importance of the
results. particularly in relation to the role of the psychological characteristics in
determining the social behavior, and the kinds of the socio-economic conditions
that help to develop the psychological characteristics are discussed.



How to Cite

Darge, R. (2022). Determinants of Family Planning Behaviour among Married Women in the Amhara Regional State: A Social-Psychological Approach. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 29(2), 65–102. Retrieved from