The Effects of Grade, Self-Efficacy, Learned Helpnessness, and Cognitive Engagement on Liking Mathematics among Primary School Students


  • Yalew Endawoke


The Relationship among Self- Efficacy, Cognitive Engagement, Learned Helplessness, and Interest-


nlis s rll(~}' aims ar aJ illl'esrigarillg Ille effects 0/ grade. self-efficacy,
learned-helplessness, allli cogllitive ellgagemelll all liking fl/llIhemarics,
and bJ assessillg rhe developmemaltrellds 0/ these I'ariables across grade
levels The subjects of rile sflldy are 159 primary scliool slUdems. 171e
results showed rllar rh~ effect 0/ rlie variables ali liking marhs was 44.8%.
of which self-efficacy and cognitive ellgagell/elll explailled 24% and J I 9f,.
respt'ftil'eiy. Ir was also /ound 0111 r!tal the variables affected liking maths
direcTly. Trend CUfl'es revealed an U/crease in lea flled helplessness. bill
declining (e l'els of cognitive engagemelll. and self-efficacy by gmde. As
eJemelllary school is a fo unt/arion age for fWll re edllra/joM/ dl'velopmelll,
srudellls shollld be helped 10 avoid learned helpleHness alld develop a
feeling of romperellre and engage Ihemsell'es cOgllilive/y ill learning

