Adoption and Intensity of Use Of Improved Sweet Potato Varieties in Boloso Sore Woreda, Southern Ethiopia


  • Endrias Geta
  • Legesse dadi
  • Teressa Adugna


Adoption, farming system, improved variety, product ivity, sweet polato


ABSTRACT: 77lis paper examines the adoption and facrors
offeclillg intensity of lIdOPliofl of improl'e(/ sweet poraro varieties ill
8010so Sore woreda. Data were collected from /20 randomly
selected fa rmers throllgh a sIruclllred questionnaire. TobiI model
was IIsed 10 it/emify faclOrs ajJecling adoption allli ill/emily of lise of
improved sweet pO/01O l'orieties. Reslllts from model analysis sllow
tllm farm size, extensiol/ cOlllaCl. farming e..\periellce. livestock
ownership. farmers' perception of yie/(I. malllrity perioti.
eSlablishmelll performance of improved varielies. alld distance from
research c(mtre to the farm influence adoption alld illlensily of lise of
improve(/ sweet potalO varieties. 77le results suggest thaI research
alld extension activities should be slrellg/hened with due altellfioll to
improve yield potential. shortell mowrity periot/. (llld beller
eSlablishmem performance of the crop.

