Interregional Variations and Explanation of Student Achievement in Ethiopia


  • Mekete Belachew


Tbe study after providing (II/ overview of tbe researcIJ literature


ABSTRACT, the study after providing (II/ overview of the research literature, discusss the, nature and 'mgnitude of
interregional variations in student achievtment. The occurrcnce of sllcb variations bas hee n proved statistically. It bas
also tcntatively indicated tbat {illallcial, urbanization, lellrllillg conditions, teacher's sex Illld teaching mllterials variables
appeared to explai" most of the spatial VIlNations of the dependent wNab/e. Nevetbdess, os tbe study euemi,d/y
rqleclS tbe quality of secondllry education , which is Vtfry complex indeed, tbe prese m findings ougbt to be Tlitfwed as
being tentative pending further research imo this p roblem in the f uture.

