A GDP Share Analysis for Ethiopia
Th e corresponding figures of sectoral contributions to overa1l GOP often show a varying and partly low reliability.Abstract
In tbis paper a secto ral time series ana/ysis is performed witb resp e ct to GDI' data of Ethiopia. Tbe AInalysis covers GOP at cOl/stant factor cost f rolll 1953 E. F.Y. up to 1974 E.P,Y. botb including and excluding population growth. Panly due to weak re/iability of GDP data for Etbiopia rallk regress ion is itllrod,lCetl as a special means of allalysis. Usillg tbis me tbod st ruct ural cblmges nonlinear GOP sbare developments can sig nificantly be detected at tbe e "d of 1965 E.F. Y.. AI' aggregatio n of indioid ual share estimates finally provides a m odelled series of GOP totals.
How to Cite
kocklaeuner, G. . . (2022). A GDP Share Analysis for Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 8(2), 1–14. Retrieved from http://ejol.aau.edu.et/index.php/EJDR/article/view/3390