Animal Power-Based Technological Package for (Aptp) Environmentally Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: Some Issues and Arguments


  • Mengistu Woube
  • Workneh Negatu


fluman-powered simple implements (e.g. hoe, digging sticks). anima/powered alld, though limited ill the extent of lise. 'tractOl'-based lecl/n%gie ill Ethiopia have neither broughl food securil)' liar improved Ihe mea/ls of farm transpoNatioll. They rather aggra vated severe degradalioll. III order 10 rehabilitate the deteriorated biophysical ell virOllmell1 and improve I/Ie production performa nce, Ihe replacemelll of Ihe above leeill/ologies by appropriate and intermediate Olles is essential alld urgent. This paper argues for the important role of Animal-powered Technological Package (APTP) for environm,elltally sllstaillable developmelll.

