Determinants of Smallholders’ Teff Market Supply: The Case of Guji Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
Teff, Market, Multiple linear regression modelAbstract
This study aimed at identifying the determinants of smallholders’ Teff market supply in the case of Guji Zone. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected from 332 randomly selected Teff producing farmers. Descriptive and econometric methods of data analysis were used to analyze the data. The multiple linear regression model results showed that the number of oxen owned by farm households, frequency of extension contact, education level, improved seed, and distance nearest to the market significantly affected the volume of Teff supplied to the market. Supporting the existing extension system through training in all aspects is very important. Moreover, an improvement of existing road facilities would reduce the time spent to reach the market and it would minimize transportation costs the government should provide an efficient extension system, updating the extension agent’s knowledge and skills with improved production and marketing system.
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