Assessing Stakeholders’ Perception on Application of Corporate Social Responsibility in Meta Abo Brewery Share Company


  • Ezana Mesele Meta Abo Brewery S.C., Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Mesfin Lemma International Leadership Institute, Ethiopia



Corporate social Responsibility, Components of CSR, economic responsibility, ethical responsibility, legal responsibility, philanthropic responsibility, Stakeholders


In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gradually become a leading issue in business. Heightened corporate attention to CSR has not been entirely voluntary. Many companies awoke to it only after being surprised  by  public  response  to  issues  they  had  not previously  thought were part  of  their responsibilities. But despite their intent, the practice and what drives them to engage is not lucid. Thus, the prime essence of this study was to assess the practice of CSR in Meta Abo Brewery S.C. The study used  both  qualitative  and quantitative research approaches and it is mainly dependent on primary source of data in which three types of structured  questionnaires were  developed  to  get  data  from  respondents  composed of customers, community and employees while managers of the company were interviewed. To meet the research objective the researchers used different sampling techniques and procedures to select the samples from each stakeholder’s category. The findings depicts that the employees awareness towards concept of CSR is at its lowest level. The stakeholders' perceptions on components of CSR include economic, ethical, legal, and philanthropic responsibilities agreed that items listed are important aspects to business organizations socially responsible activities. The prioritization of CSR to the company includes philanthropic, next ethical, then economic and finally legal responsibilities. The company needs to allocate enough amount of budget and focus on training and developing mechanisms that help to communicate with the stakeholders.


