Journal of Business and Administrative Studies


  • Goitom Abraham



Workplace stress, stressors, stress symptoms, stress management/prevention, effect of stress.


In most cases, workplace stresses are happening in the work of humanitarian
organization. This is because the work is more emergency that is should be
finalized within specific period of time. The case of workplace stress also
believed to be happening in NRC Ethiopia because of different reasons like
workload and the working environment of the offices are located. In addition,
there is no formal guideline on how to handle workplace stress. Therefore, the
main objective of this research is to explore to what extent employees of NRC are
stressed and assess the general stress management practice of the organization.
And in addition, this study is to determine the main causes and consequences of
stress at work, most stress symptoms and the coping mechanisms of stress. The
research also analyses the overall situation of workplace stress in the
organization under the study. Staffs in different field offices and Addis Ababa
office were requested to fill questionnaire and some management staff were
invited for interview in order to get more informational and practical examples
from the real and current situation of the organization. The researcher found out
that there is workplace stress that should be managed by individual staff and the
organization management. The most frequent work place stressors in the
organization includes workload, improper responsibility, role not clearly defined,
work amenities, self interest, poor communication, bad management practice,
organizational change policies and conflict in work. Because of these stressors
staff face the following stress symptoms: worry, restlessness, anxiety, depression,
poor judgment, feeling of insecurity, anger, sadness, inability to concentrate,
memory losing, headache, loss of energy, back pain, sleeping problem, under
eating and alcohol abuse. Therefore, to cope up with stress situation, employees
use different coping mechanisms including taking responsibility, learn better
communication, learn task management skills and the organization uses job
redesign/restructuring, improve communication, coaching, counseling and
medication. This shows stress management strategies used by this organization
so as to minimize the occurrence of workplace stress and to prevent the case
should be improved. Therefore, the staff and organization to be effective at work
and support the refugees in need, there should be stress management policy in
the organization and the staff should get training about stress and coping

