About the Journal
The Ethiopian Journal of Federal Studies (EJFS), ISSN 2308-2232, is a peer reviewed academic research journal published by the Center for Federalism and Governance Studies (CFGS), College of Law and Governance Studies, Addis Abeba University, Ethiopia. Since 2013, the Journal has been published once per year. It publishes articles, research reports, policy research papers, book reviews, and essays on federalism, decentralization, local government, and other constitutional and multilevel governance concerns in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Manuscripts published in the EJFS are primarily concerned with comparative federalism, diversity accommodation, conflict management, decentralization, local government, fiscal federalism, intergovernmental relations, dispute resolution, nation and State building, democratization, electoral systems, public policy, and other emerging issues of governance in federal/ multilevel systems. The journal seeks to encourage scholarly debates and discourses among the academics, practitioners, policy makers, and private sector and audiences at large.
The Journal is run from the premise of the CFGS which is located in the Forum Building Main Campus, Addis Ababa University. Mailing Address: Addis Ababa University, College of Law and Governance Studies; Center for Federalism and Governance Studies; Main Campus, Sidist Kilo;Forum Building, 6 th Floor; P.O.Box 1176; Email: ejfs.aau@gmail.com