Guddifachaa from the Perspectives of the Best Interests of Child in the Tulema Oromo, Ethiopia
Best interests of the child, Ethiopia, Guddifachaa, Tuulamaa OromoAbstract
Guddifachaa is an indigenous and generations old adoption institution in Oromo society in which the best interests of
the adopted children is expected to be realized regardless of who the center of benefit is. The purpose of the study was to
describe how the best interest of the child is realized in the context of customary law of guddifachaa. The study
employed qualitative research to have an in-depth understanding of the issue at hand. Out of non-probability sampling,
purposive and snowball sampling techniques were employed. Twenty participants, including adoptive families, adoptees,
birth families, Abbaa Gadaa, elders and experts were involved into the study. In- depth interview, key-informant
interview, observation and document review were among the data collection techniques used. The study findings revealed
that guddifachaa is a customary adoption, whereupon the best interests of the child were entertained. Due to the deeprooted and irrevocable nature of Safuu among the Oromoo people, whoever the center of the benefit of adoption, adopted
children were well treated. Adoptive families were fulfilling basic needs; providing education; providing affection; caring
for; making them get married; constructing them houses; and providing inheritance the totality of which was considered
as the assurance of best interests of the child. The study recommended that as the concept of “the best interests of the
child” has vaguely been used in various literatures, including in guddifachaa, experts like social work professionals
need to delve into the community, conduct a thorough assessment and accordingly make informed decision of what is
best for the adoptees
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