Inventorying and Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritages of Tuluma Oromo of Jidda District, Ethiopia


  • Dereje Haile Salale University, College of Social Science and Humanities, Department of History and Heritage Management


heritage, documentation, culture, Oromo, intangible


Intangible cultural Heritages are non- material heritages, knowledge and skills of people. Undoubtedly, Oromo society in Ethiopia is rich in intangible cultural heritages. However, most of their heritages are remains unexplored. Therefore, this study was mainly conducted to study and to document the intangible cultural heritages of the Oromo in the Jidda district of North Shewa Zone. Qualitative method of social science was employed throughout the research undertakings. Key informant interviews, focus group discussions, ethnographic interview and observation were utilized as data gathering instruments.  Above all, thorough reading and note taking of secondary and primary sources also made for effective triangulation in the research.

The study result revealed that Oromo society is rich in intangible cultural heritages, namely, oral traditions, performed arts, social practice, global and natural knowledge and traditional crafts that contribute in shaping and reflection of Oromo identity. It’s the living expressions and countless traditions of antiquity and transmits to the descendants, in most cases orally. Accordingly, the heritages found in the study area are generally associated with historical, oral traditions, religious and cultural life of the Oromo society in the country.


