የጉዶ ኬሶ ሀገረሰባዊ እምነት ክዋኔ ትንተና በሸካቾ ብሔረሰብ
Analysis of the Gudo Kesoo Folk Belief Performance in the Sheko Ethnic Group
ጉዶ ኬሶ ፣ ሀገረሰባዊ እምነት፣ መንጻት፣ መስዋዕት፣ ሥርዓተ ክዋኔ ፣ ትዕምርት, Gudo Kesoo, Folk Belief, Purification, Sacrifice, Performance, SymbolismAbstract
የዚህ ጥናት ዓላማ የጉዶ ኬሶ ሀገረሰባዊ እምነት ሥርዓተ ክዋኔን መተንተን ነው፡፡ ዓላማውን ለማሳካት፤ የጉዶ ኬሶ ሀገረሰባዊ እምነት ሥርዓተ ክዋኔ ሂደት ምን ይመስላል? ለምንስ ይከወናል? በጉዶ ኬሶ ክዋኔ ላይ የሚቀርቡ ቴክስቶች፣ ቁሶችና ድርጊቶች ምን አይነት ትዕምርት አላቸው? ጉዶ ኬሶ በመከወኑ የሚገኘው ጥቅምና ባይከወን ሊደርስ የሚችለው ጉዳት እንዴት ይገለጻል? የሚሉ የምርምር ጥያቄዎች ተነስተው በጥናቱ መልስ አግኝተዋል፡፡ ጥናቱ በባህሪው ዓይነታዊ (Qualitative) ምርምር ሲሆን ምልከታ፣ ቃለ መጠይቅና የቡድን ውይይትን በመረጃ መሰብሰቢያነት ተጠቅሟል፡፡ የተሰበሰቡ መረጃዎች ያላቸውን ትርጉም ለመፈከር የክዋኔ መርና የትዕምርት ንድፈ ሀሳቦች ጥቅም ላይ ውለዋል፡፡ ጥናቱ የሀገረሰባዊ እምነቱን ክዋኔ፣ የክዋኔውን ተከታታይና ተለጣጣቂ ሁነቶችን ለመተንተን ገላጭ (Descriptive) የመረጃ መተንተኛ ዘዴን ተከትሏል፡፡ የጉዶ ኬሶ ሀገረሰባዊ እምነት ለፈጣሪ (Yerochi) ከፍ ባለ ተራራ ላይ የሚቀርብ የመስዋዕት ሥርዓተ ክዋኔ ነው፡፡ የሸካቾ ብሔረሰብ በጉዶ ኬሶ ሀገረሰባዊ እምነት ክዋኔ አማካኝነት፤ የአካባቢው ሰላም እንይናጋ ፣ ጤና ደህንነቱ እንዳይቃወስ፣ ከፈጣሪው ጋር ያለው መልካም ግንኙነት እንዳይበላሽ፣ ማህበራዊና ባህላዊ አኗኗሩ እንዳይሳከር፣ ሰማይ ምድሩ እንዲታረቅ፣ እህል ገንዘቡ ረድኤት እንዲወርድበት፣ እንስሳቱ እንዲረቡ፣ ወተት እሸቱ እንዲበረክት የሚለማመንበትና ስነ ምህዳሩን የሚያስጠብቅበት ስርዓተ ክዋኔ እንደሆነ ጥናቱ አመላክቷል፡፡
The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of Gudo Kesoo Folk Belief in the Sheko ethnic group. To achieve this purpose, the following research questions were posited and answered in the process of this study. What is the process in performing Gudo Kesoo folk belief? Why do the people perform it? What kind of symbols do the texts, materials, and actions presented on Gudo Kesoo's performance have? What are the benefits of performing Gudo Kesoo, and what are the adverse influences of not performing Gudo Kesoo? These research questions were raised and answered in the study. The study employed a qualitative research approach. To collect data, three data-gathering tools, namely observation, interview, and focus group discussion, were utilized. Performance and symbolism theories were used to interpret the data collected from the field. The study followed a descriptive data analysis method to analyze the performance of the folk belief and the processes of the events in the performance. The folk belief of Gudo Kesoo is a ritual ceremony offered to the Creator (Yerochi) on a high mountain. It has been found out that the Shekacho nation celebrates the Gudo Keso ritual ceremony with the belief that it keeps the local peace, health, and safety, and it has a good relationship with the Creator. They also perform the ritual so that the social and cultural lifestyle will not be ruined, the grain and the money will be blessed, the sky and the earth will be reconciled, the animals will grow, the milk and new products will become abundant, and the ecosystem will be protected.