የፈጠራ ግርጌማ አጠቃቀምና ፋይዳ በአዳም ረታ ”እቴሜቴ ሎሚ ሽታ” እና አፍ ልቦለዶች

Usage and Purpose of Footnotes in Adam Reta’s Prose Fictions: “Etemete Lomishita” and Afe


  • Anteneh Aweke Ewnetu Bahir Dar University


ቅውድ፣ ግርጌማ (ግርጌ ማስታወሻ)፣ መጨረሻ ማስታወሻ፣ የፈጠራ ግርጌማ፣ ምትክ ደራሲ፣ ኢከሃሊ ተራኪ፣ ሃይፐር ቴክስት፣ በይነአሃዳዊነት, paratext, footnote, endnote, fictional footnote, implied author, reliable narrator, hypertext, intertextuality.


የጥናቱ አላማ በአዳም ረታ ‹‹እቴሜቴ ሎሚ ሽታ››(2001) እና አፍ (2010) ልቦለዶች የፈጠራ ግርጌማ አጠቃቀምና ፋይዳ መመርመር ነው፡፡ ልቦለዶቹ የተመረጡት በአላማ ተኮር ናሙና ሲሆን በትኩረት ንባብ ከተደረገባቸው በኋላ የቅውድ መግለጫ (paratext) (Genette, 2001)፣ የፈጠራ ግርጌማ (Maloney, 2005) ‹‹ሃይፐር ቴክስት›› (Modir & others, 2014) እና በይነአሃዳዊ (intertextuality) (Allan, 2000) ንድፈሃሳቦችን በመጠቀም ተተንተነዋል፡፡ በትንተናው መሰረት አዳም የፈጠራ ግርጌማ በመጠቀሙ መዋቅራውያን ከሚገልጹት ከተለመደው የሥነተረክ አሠራር ልማድ ማፈንገጡ ተስተውሏል፡፡ በነባራዊው ልማድ አርታኢው ከልቦለዱ ዓለም ውጭ ነው ተብሎ ቢታሰብም በልቦለዱ ዓለም በተለያየ መንገድ ለምሳሌ ግርጌማ በመጻፍ ከአንባቢው ግኑኝነት ፈጥሯል፡፡ ተራኪ ገጸባህሪ ግርጌማ ጸሐፊም ሆኗል፡፡ በግርጌማው ምክንያት የተረኩ ቅንጅት ቀጥተኛ (linear) አይደለም፤ ወጣ ገባ ነው፡፡ ጥቃቅን ጉዳዮች ላይም ማተኮር ተችሏል ፡፡ በዚህም ሳቢያ የተለየ የልቦለድ ንባብ ቅደም ተከተል እውን ሆኖ ተገኝቷል፡፡ በጠቅላላው ግርጌማዎቹ ተጨማሪ መግለጫዎች ሳይሆኑ የልቦለዱ መሰረታዊ አካል እንደሆኑ እና ጭብጣዊ፣ መዋቅራዊ፣ ኪናዊ ፋይዳ እንዳላቸው ማረጋገጥ ተችሏል፡፡ በሁለቱ ልቦለዶች መካከል የተስተዋለው ልዩነት በ‹‹እቴሜቴ ሎሚ ሽታ›› አንዳንድ ግርጌማዎችን አርታኢው እንደጻፈው መመላከቱ እና በአፍ ግርጌማ አጠቃቀሙ ወሰብሰብ ያለ መሆኑ ነው፡፡ በመጨረሻም አዳም በሁለቱም ልቦለዶች ሀገርኛውን ይትበሃል ከድህረዘመናዊው አቀናጅቶ ነባር-አዲስ ስልት በመጠቀም ልቦለዱን እንደጻፈው መረዳት ተችሏል፡፡

This study examines the usage and purpose of footnotes in two Amharic fictional works by Adam Reta, entitled “Etemete Lomishita” and Afe., a novella and a novel, respectively. The texts have been selected based on purposive sampling. They were thoroughly read and analyzed using various conceptual frameworks: Genette’s ‘paratext’ (2001), Maloney’s ‘fictional footnotes’ (2005), Modir and others’ ‘hypertext’ (2014), and Allan’s ‘intertextuality’ (2000). The findings show that Adam deviated from conventional narratology practices in using fictional footnotes. The conventional thinking is that the editor is outside the fictional world; however, in Adam’s fiction, the editor employs various techniques, such as footnotes, to communicate with the readers. The character-narrator is also involved in writing footnotes. These have resulted in twisting the storyline and making the reading non-linear. The fictional footnotes draw the attention of the reader to focus on minor issues. The use of the footnotes has created an unusual reading order of fiction. In general, it has been found that the footnotes were used not as descriptions external to the story but rather as basic parts of the story having thematic, structural, and aesthetic contributions. Differences have been observed in the employment of fictional footnotes in the two texts. In “Etemete Lomishita” there are clear indications that the editor has written some of the footnotes, whereas in Afe, the application of the fictional footnotes is complex. It could be concluded that in both novels, Adam has integrated traditional and postmodern fictional narrative techniques and created a ‘traditional-new style’ in writing the stories.


