Managing the Teaching Staff in the Public Primary Schools of Addis Ababa: The Case of Assai School


  • Wossenu Yimam Lecturer, Institute of Educational Research


This study attempted to examine the practice of teacher
management wjth a view to identify the push and pull factors that would
encourage teachers either to leave or stay in the school. To this end,
descriptive survey method was emplqyed. The subjects of the study were 16
teachers and 6 members of the school management committee.
Information was solicited from the sample respondents through two types of
questionnaires. The results of the study revealed that the push factors (low
salary, absence of career promotion, harsh disciplinary penalties, and job
insecurity) outweighed the pull factors (reasonable work load, the school's
willingness to cover teachers' training cost, and the provision of merit
certificate with bonuses). Hence, it was recommended that the school
should take necessary measures tO,strengthen the pull factors and minimize
. the push factors so as to retain the existing staff as well as to attract
competent teachers from the labor market.

