Enhancing Leaning Using Interactive Computer Software: engines sim software for Learning Aircraft P opul ion Theory Courses Ahmed


  • Ahmed Mamo Defence Engineering College


Defense Engineenng 80llege has two programs, one degree and one dip ma, i f"!lechanlcal engineering, specializing in Aviation Power Pia . AilL,dfl Pr pLl Ion Sys ems). Specifically there are theories and design oriented courses which require certain specific learning skills like visualization, computation, and modeling. Up to now the practices In dellvenng the courses are demonstration on mockups, models, and real engmes, and computing parameters of the jet engine using the formulae studied in the lecture class. These experiences are very much relevant. But f.or the theoretical courses like. Aviation Gas Turbine Engine (AGTE) Theory I and II (degree) and Fundamentals of Aviation Engine (FAE) (diploma) alternative methods of facilitating the learning by the students is very much essential. This is because students are required to:

