Evaluation of Higher Education Instructors By Their Students: Is It Serving Its Purpose? A Reflection


  • Zewdneh Sahlemariam Assistant Lecturer, Jimma University


The evaluation of teaching has a long history. Evaluation started in
399 Be when Socrates was executed for having corrupted the youth
of Athens with his teachings. Also, around 350 AD in Antioch , any
father who was not happy with the kind of instruction given to his son
was able to examine the case. If the teacher was found to have
neglected his duties, the father could file a formal complaint to a panel
of teachers and laymen and could immediately transfer his son to
another teacher.
In modern perspective, students' evaluations of teaching \i\ere
introduced in Harvard University, Washington University, Purdue
Universsity, the University of Texas and other institutions in the mid

