The Transforming Power of Urbanization: Changes and Uncertainties among the Farming Community in Laga Xafo-Laga Dadhi Town, Ethiopian


  • Teshome Emana


This article is a synopsis of my PhD dissertation titled “The Transforming Power of Urbanization: Changes and uncertainties among the Farming Community in Laga Xafo-Laga Dadhi Town, Ethiopian”, defended in December 2014. The dissertation has one central point around which several interrelated issues are clustered. The central idea is to explore what has happened to the farming community that has recently included in the administrative boundary of Laga Xafo-Laga Dadhi town. The dissertation consists of eight chapters. Each chapter has its own introduction and subsections. Finally, at the end of the whole body, there are bibliography and annex parts. The annexes contain a sample survey questionnaire, list of farmers who petitioned, and copies of news paper articles pertaining to the major themes in the dissertation.




