Journal of Hope Enterprise University College 2024-11-23T07:55:40+00:00 Dr. Degu Setegn Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal of Hope Enterprise University College (JHEUC) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research in the fields of business, leadership, architecture, informatics, and related areas. The journal aims to promote and disseminate high-quality research that is relevant to Ethiopia.</p> The effects of Transformational Leadership on Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education Institutions in Addis Ababa: The Mediating Effect of Adhocracy Culture 2024-11-23T07:39:28+00:00 Zewditu Girma Mulu Melaku <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the significant effects of transformational leadership on tacit knowledge sharing through adhocracy culture in the context of Higher Education Institutions in Addis Ababa. In validating the posited theoretical model, the study used quantitative research method with descriptive and explanatory designs. Using a self-administrated questionnaire, 82 sample responses were collected by using simple random sampling technique from employees working in two private and two government universities in Addis Ababa. In testing the direct effects of transformational leadership and indirectly through adhocracy culture in predicting tacit knowledge sharing, a correlation test followed by stepwise regression analysis and mediation test was performed. The results of this study provided empirical evidence that transformational leadership style would have no significant effect directly on the tacit knowledge-sharing behavior of followers, while it has a significant effect indirectly through adhocracy culture in the organization. Theoretically, the study contributes to the body of knowledge in leadership literature, while practically, the study findings contribute in revealing that leaders with transformational behavior would be more successful in raising tacit knowledge-sharing behavior of employees when they can maintain the adhocracy culture in the organizations.</p> 2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Preparations and Performances of Prospective Graduates' Students on the National Exit Exam: A Case of Hope Enterprises University College 2024-11-23T07:44:50+00:00 Behailu Abebe <p>This study investigated the preparedness and performance of HEUC prospective graduates on the National Exit Exam. The study was conducted with randomly selected 204 students through cluster sampling and survey data, and qualitative opinions were collected from 162 respondents (80%). In addition, open-ended questions were given to ten lecturers on the subject matter. In addition, 2023 prospective graduates’ 425 CGPA and the results of their exit exams were compared. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research analyzed student perceptions of tutorial services using an international problem-based learning instrument and compared HEUC student achievements on the exit exam to their CGPA. Key findings include a positive correlation between CGPA and exit exam performance, suggesting that tutorial services and model exams contribute to success. However, gender was found to have no significant impact on exit exam results. Qualitative data revealed that students generally rated tutorial services and model exams more positively than the national exam, although limitations in data availability prevented a more in-depth analysis. Based on these findings, the study recommends that HEUC continue offering tutorial services and model exams to enhance student preparation for the National Exit Exam. Future research should explore additional factors influencing exit exam performance and consider expanding data access for more comprehensive analysis.</p> 2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Challenges and Opportunities of the Urban Informal Business Sector: The case of Addis Ababa Nefas Silk Lafto Sub-city, Woreda 02 2024-11-23T07:47:51+00:00 Ermias Moges <p>Millions of poor people in developing nations depend on the urban Informal business Sector for employment and income. However, this sector often faces marginalization and neglect in urban policies and plans, resulting in various obstacles such as lack of access to finance, infrastructure, markets, skills, and social protection. Despite these challenges, the urban Informal business Sector also provides opportunities for creativity, adaptability, and inclusion in both the urban society and economy. This study investigates the challenges and opportunities faced by the urban Informal business Sector in Addis Ababa, specifically in the Nefas Silk Lafto Subcity Woreda 02. It uses a mixed-research approach that involves both quantitative and qualitative data. Due to the lack of formal records or registration of businesses in the informal sector, it was difficult to obtain a representative sample. Therefore, a purposive sampling technique was employed to target key informants who were knowledgeable about the selected business sectors and could provide valuable insights. A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed with a 20% reserve rate, resulting in a sample size of 108 usable responses. The data were mainly collected through structured questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics mainly Mean and Standard deviation. The study focused on four key informal business sectors: street vending, food processing, tailoring, and shoemaking. The challenges included financial constraints, issues related to market premises, knowledge gaps, and regulatory hurdles. Despite these challenges, the Informal business Sector still offered prospects for job creation, entrepreneurship development, and flexible self-employment. Based on the findings, the study made recommendations to address the existing issues within the urban informal sector. These recommendations included addressing law enforcement harassment, enhancing access to finance and markets, investing in training, as well as establishing supportive policies and regulations.</p> 2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Effect of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Practices on Sustainable Performance in Case Ethiopian Cement Manufacturing Industry 2024-11-23T07:50:26+00:00 Feyisa Debisa Fayyoo2018@Gmail.Com <p>Human resources is the most precious resource available to the firm that needs proper deployment within key strategic goals of the organization. This study is aimed to examine the role of human resources management practices on the relationship between commitment to social responsibility and sustainable performance. This study explained variables such as ethical culture, recruitment and selection, engagement, training, and development in corporate social responsibility-related activities and attaining higher sustainable performance. A mixed approach which is a descriptive and explanatory research design was used. In a cross-sectional study, qualitative and quantitative data were employed. To achieve the study objective data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to the study population, which consisted of all 380 employees from four cement factories using a stratified sampling technique. A proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to collect data from sample factories located in Ethiopia. An in-depth semi-structured interview was conducted with managers at different levels and functional departments from each selected cement factory. To analyze the study data and its variables multiple regression analysis was used to examine the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable using SPSS V-26 to understand the effect of socially responsible human resource management practices on sustainable performance. The results have shown that the organization's commitment to human resource social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on achieving sustainability in its performance. Based on the results, the study recommended that business organizations should be interested in demonstrating the importance of maintaining the ethical culture in their recruitment processes and selection, demonstrate the desired ethical culture for training, development, and engagement of the employee with a tendency to follow human resource management practices and policies.</p> 2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Introducing reinforced pumice concrete IPS vertical enclosure for low-cost housing projects 2024-11-23T07:55:40+00:00 Biniyam Shewamare <p>Enclosure-making in low-cost housing projects has had some specific standards from the beginning of its practice in Addis Ababa. One of the standards is the use of cement modular units that are made of pumice aggregate, cement, sand, and water as wall/enclosure-making material. It is also known as pumice concrete. The no change throughout building enclosure making has impact on the cost of housing unknowingly. Raw material and manpower price escalation had significant alterations on the cost of the masonry wall construction. According to this research the price of pumice concrete vertical enclosure making in meter square folded approximately four times within eight years. So analyzing the application of pumice concrete building vertical enclosure in low-cost housing projects is quite important to satisfy the demand for affordable housing in the city. Masonry wall construction in the low-cost mass housing construction sector of Addis Ababa city is selected to carry out the study. Specifically, the research concentrates on seven sites that are handed over to dwellers by 2022/23. These locations are selected because they can tell us the current practice of pumice concrete masonry making. Appropriateness in terms of schedule, quality, and cost is analyzed. Dominating defects in architectural design and other related technical considerations in this housing project are discussed. Most research done on this thematic area uncovered the problems observed on such projects but did not present tangible solutions. To fill this gap, the research proposes alternative lightweight reinforced pumice concrete wall-making technology that has the potential to make low-cost housing projects more affordable and of acceptable quality. According to the result of price comparative analysis, it has the capacity to press down approximately by 45% on material consumption and quarter speed of cement modular unit masonry construction.</p> 2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024