The Ethiopian Journal of Higher Education
<p>The Ethiopian Journal of Higher Education (EJHE) is one of the publications of the Institute Of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University. The Journal is primarily devoted to disseminating findings of scientific investigations related to higher education. We solicit articles from researchers of high professional caliber. We also accept Commentaries, book reviews and case studies on issues related to higher education. </p>Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa Universityen-USThe Ethiopian Journal of Higher Education2076-751XQuality Assurance in Ethiopia’s Higher Education Institutions: A Systematic Review of Literature
<p>The objective of this review was to critically examine scholarly literature on quality assurance (QA) in Ethiopian higher education and thereby provide readers with a state-of-the-art understanding of the subject with future research direction. To this end, a systematic review method (evidence synthesis technique) was employed. Major data sources were journal articles, dissertations, theses, conference papers, national QA policy documents, and higher education proclamations. Findings of the studies suggest that the introduction of QA to Ethiopia’s HE is a recent phenomenon that is affected both by external factors, like international discourses on quality in HE, and internal pressing factors. The legal and regulatory frameworks of QA are enshrined in the HE proclamations of 2003, 2009 & 2019 and the national Quality Audit guidelines (HERQA guideline); both IQA & EQA methods were applied in the HEIs. QA largely focused on the input and process domains giving little attention to the output domain. A robust QA system is lacking. The implementation of QA has been fettered by challenges and problems related to policy, structural and functional issues. Accordingly, the existing QA lacks conceptual, legislative and structural comprehensiveness, and thus, can be labeled as a system in the infancy stage. Recommendations for policymakers, regulators, and leaders of higher education institutions include creating a robust, dynamic, and responsive system by eliminating the existing deficiencies and anomalies of the system. Finally, this paper winds up by readdressing gaps identified in the studies as areas of further investigation and interventions.</p>Ashenafi Tsegaye
Copyright (c) 2025 Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University
2025-02-212025-02-2171137Teaching-Learning Approaches and Practices in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church (EOTC) Schools (Ye’Abinet Timhirt Betoch): Implications for Pedagogical Skills in Ethiopian Higher Education
<p><em>The study aims to explore the EOTC Schools' (i.e., Ye'abnet Timhirt Betoch) teaching and learning approaches and practices that could be useful for Higher Education Institutions. To carry out the study, a qualitative approach was used, and both primary and secondary data sources were utilized. Key informants for the primary data were selected using a purposive sampling technique that considered their expertise and experience in teaching and learning in the EOTC Schools. Thus, amongst the school types in EOTC, both Qinie Bet (School of Poetry) and Metsaheft Bet (School of Books) were visited. This was because the teachers and the students in the schools had the experience of learning and teaching in other school types. Three data-gathering instruments, namely, interview, FGD, and observation, were employed as primary data-gathering tools. Similarly, books, journals, and educational policies were utilized as secondary data sources. The findings revealed different kinds of teaching and learning approaches and practices in EOTC schools which help learners create successful learning and teaching environments and opportunities, and this can contribute to improving the quality of higher education in Ethiopia. Further studies are recommended to be made into Ye'abnet Timhirt Betoch to benefit Ethiopian Higher Education at large.</em></p>Tesfu Asmare
Copyright (c) 2025 Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University
2025-02-212025-02-21713968Opportunities and Challenges of Social Media Usage in Higher Education Institutions: A Systematic Review
<p><em>The purpose of this study is to investigate the opportunities and challenges of social media usage in higher education institutions. The study is significant because it adds both theoretical and practical knowledge to the existing literature on how higher education institutions’ students use social media to improve the quality of their education in a given context. PRISMA guidelines for systematic review methodology were employed to explore the current literature on the topic. Different sources were searched using pre-defined search items. A total of 1156 papers were found and screened for abstracts and titles, and 27 full-text articles were evaluated for eligibility. Finally, 9 articles were selected for the systematic review. The result indicated that social media usage in higher education institutions has both opportunities and challenges. Most of the reviewed articles mentioned f social media as an opportunity for improving students' academic performance and helping in sharing information, thoughts, and ideas with their peers. On the contrary, improper usage of social media platforms could distract students’ attention, and also make them become addicted, and may result in sleeping disorders for students of higher education institutions.</em></p>Girma AwakiDaniel Desta
Copyright (c) 2025 Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University
2025-02-212025-02-21716989Teachers’ Job Satisfaction at Hawassa University: Exploring the Influence of Hygiene Factors
<p>The purpose of the study was to investigate teachers’ job satisfaction in the College of Education at Hawassa University in relation to hygiene factors. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed in this study. Survey questionnaire was administered to 30 teachers selected using a stratified sampling technique, and all were filled out correctly and returned. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean standard deviation, correlation, and linear regression. Findings showed that teachers’ job satisfaction was low. Prominent influential factors were found to be institutional facilities and working conditions, working relations, salary, and benefit packages, and o<em>rganizational policy and leadership</em>. To reverse the situation, positive measures should be taken with regard to strategies that can improve working conditions, facilities, working relations, teachers’ salaries, and similar benefits. Reducing income tax, reviewing teachers’ salary scales, reconsideration of teachers’ career structure improving benefit packages such as house and transportation allowance, and designing the health and life insurance benefits are recommended.</p>Woma GabisAbraham Tulu
Copyright (c) 2025 Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University